I had a need to set such redirect of emails to a PHP script for one of our projects. Zimbra server does not support this through its GUI, so here are the steps I did to make it happen:
- Email accounts that need to redirect the incoming emails to the pipe should forward a copy (or redirect without leaving local copy, depends on the need) of an email to the address of a special account. This special account will be configured to redirect any incoming emails to the pipe.If the email server name is “mymailserver.my.domain.com”, I will create a new local account: my_pipe_acct@mymailserver.my.domain.com
- In the forwarding options of the account above I’ll forward all messages to the following dummy address. It can be anything, even not a valid address: my_pipe_acct@my_pipe.mymailserver.my.domain.com
- New service "my_pipe" will need to be set in master.cf file and will define pipe to “script.php” script that will process the emails. It actually says that if email needs to be processed with service “my_pipe”, then “script.php” is the service to invoke.
Add this to /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/master.cf.in file:
my_pipe unix - n n - - pipe
flags= user=zimbra argv=/path/to/pipe/script/script.php
and run # su – zimbra –c "zmmtactl stop && zmmtactl start"
The lines should be added before # AMAVISD-NEW line. Note that the 2nd line should start with space. Don't add directly to master.cf file as it will be overwritten by Zimbra restarts. Edit master.cf.in!!
- Now we need to define that any messages arriving to this dummy address (or actually any address of a type <XYZ>@my_pipe. mymailserver.my.domain.com ) will be redirected to "my_pipe" service for processing. This is done in /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/transport.
Add this line there:
my_pipe.mymailserver.my.domain.com my_pipe
Run #/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postmap /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/transport.
- To configure zimbra to check the transport_maps, the following line in /opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/main.cf should look like:
NOTE: Don't update main.cf directly as it will be overwritten by Zimbra restarts.
Instead, run the following:
# su – zimbra
# zmlocalconfig -e postfix_transport_maps="hash:/opt/zimbra/postfix/conf/transport,proxy:ldap:/opt/zimbra/conf/ldap-transport.cf"
This will permanently add the line to the main.cf.
To enable:
#/opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/postfix reload
# su – zimbra –c "zmcontrol stop"
# su – zimbra –c "zmcontrol start"
Obviously it is possible to configure more than one pipe on a server. Just repeat the same steps above to set another special account, which will forward to yet another dummy address, which will be redirecting to another pipe service, etc.